Monday, December 4, 2006

Who I am and my objective...

Hello Everyone,

My name is Sean Vickers and I attend the Christ Community Church in Weare, NH. I have been a Christian for many years, since I was about 9 years old. As of 2006, I am now 37 years old. Throughout this time there have been periods when my walk with Christ was strong and other times when I lived for myself. Many times I have question the very existence of God. When I was young, my relationship with God was dependent upon my current situation. If things were going well, I loved God and thanked him for my blessing and when things were not so good, I turned my back on him. Throughout all of this, God stayed with me and as I look back I can see his hand on my life leading and correcting me. He was faithfully with me through my ups and downs.
Well, that is a little bit about me and where I am coming from. Now, to the purpose of this BLOG. As with most people, my life is filled with things that I see as being very important and I often neglect what is truly important, such as my relationship with God and my relationship with others. When we are in heaven, only the things that affect these previously mentioned areas will matter. Throughout my life, I have waisted too much time worrying about myself and striving to achieve what I thought, at the time, was important. With this BLOG, I am hoping to discipline myself to study God word and post a weekly message about what I am studying, what I think God's message was, and any questions I still have. Hopefully I will receive other's input. I know a little bit about the Bible and I am hoping to learn a lot more. If you stumble across this BLOG, let me know and tell me a little bit about yourself and where you stand in relation to your walk with Jesus. Thanks. I hope to hear from you soon.

Sean Vickers

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